Great Week for Political Comedy

It's been a fun week in political comedy. Stephen Colbert and Seth Meyers had a lot of fun during their chat on The Colbert Report this past Tuesday. I particularly like their discussion of political comedy and SNL's role in making fun of the mainstream media, especially since Colbert tries so hard to stay in character as a serious media personality.

Herman Cain had some fun with Jimmy Kimmel on Monday night. The purpose of his visit was to discuss the Sharon Bialek/Gloria Allred press conference.

There's also Rick Perry's debate performance -- a brain freeze that has received more media attention than the actual issues or substance of the debate. Perry will appear on the Late Show with David Letterman tonight  in an attempt to turn this whole debate flub into just a humorous campaign misstep. Cain will appear on Letterman next week -- November 18th to be exact.

And finally there's a new Mike Tyson impersonation of Herman Cain over at Funny or Die.


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