Words of Warcraft: The Daily Show and the Iran Debate

We've been hearing a lot more about Iran these days -- whether it's during the Republican presidential debates, in the wide range of reporting on the speeches of Barack Obama and the 2012 GOP hopefuls at this year's AIPAC conference, or the coverage of Benjamin Netanyahu's meeting with Barack Obama.

Even The Daily Show weighed in this past Tuesday with a carefully constructed, graphically pleasing, and incredibly poignant discussion of the current controversy and the influence that the 2012 election season has had on the rhetoric surrounding the debate over what to do about Iran.

I used to write a column for The Baltimore Sun pointing out the best political comedy clips each month. I can honestly say that this clip would have made my list for March and perhaps for the entire winter season. Check it out for yourself:

Stewart's cautionary tone and his message is intended to be both humorous and thought-provoking. In fact, Stewart echoes the sentiments expressed by Thomas Friedman in a widely shared column in this week's New York Times.

While Friedman gets to the heart of the matter, it may be that we need Jon Stewart and The Daily Show's version of the Iran story to convince us that this is a global matter, not just a concern for Israel and in turn the United States. To date, almost a quarter of a million viewers have watched the segment from Tuesday's broadcast of The Daily Show on the Comedy Central web site. While it's not nearly as popular as the the Kony 2012 video currently circulating on YouTube, Stewart is bringing added attention to the issue, especially for a younger demographic. Watch for The Daily Show to continue placing emphasis on Iran and Israel as the rhetoric escalates ...


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