The value of studying and teaching about political comedy
Last week, I spoke with Washington
Post journalist Paul
Farhi about my
research on the effects of political comedy programs and the freshman
seminar on popular culture and politics that I'll be teaching at Towson University this fall.
Farhi's article
published in The Washington Post and reprinted on the web sites of a
variety of regional papers (Pittsburgh
Post Gazette, Chicago
Tribune, New
Orleans Times Picayune to name just a few) quickly attracted attention. John Hudson offered his
take on studying Colbert at the college and university level for The Atlantic
Wire and Sophia McClennen
offered a rebuttal
over at the Huffington Post with student Remy M. Maisel. I too agree that
John Hudson could use some help picking the right statistics to compare. He's
welcome to enroll in my MCOM490 class: Mass Communication Research where we
devote a few weeks to statistical principles. I'd also be happy to have Hudson
visit my upcoming seminar.
The full title of the class is "Popular Culture and
Politics: Comedy, Entertainment, Celebrity, and Democracy," and we'll be
talking about a lot more than Stephen Colbert. The course is a new TU
Seminar for freshmen -- a writing intensive course that examines how a
whole range of cultural phenomena -- political comedy, celebrity
politics, entertainment television, popular music, and satirical print
media -- influence our political life and civic culture. We'll evaluate
programs like The Daily Show and Saturday Night Live, cartoons like South Park and The
Simpsons, publications like The Onion, and study the impact of
celebrity candidates, issue advocates, and the power of celebrity endorsements.
with George Clooney and Obama anyone?
We'll consider issues of gender and whether female
politicians have as easy a time being funny as their male counterparts and
we'll also talk about what happens when politicians turn the table and act as
comics. Sure, we'll consider a lot of contemporary examples from the 2008 and
2012 election cycles, but we'll also take a historical look back at comedy,
celebrity politics, and political entertainment. Nixon's 1968 appearance on
Laugh In anyone? Remember Hanoi
It is true that I'll be teaching a class that complements
part of my current
research agenda. As academics, we're encouraged to bring our research into
the classroom. It's no secret that my dissertation
broadened the scope of political entertainment research by linking political
comedy with celebrity politics. It should be no surprise that I've published a variety
of peer-reviewed journal articles on the subject area, offered media commentary,
and even blogged
about my favorite portions of the program. I'm proud to note that I'm one of many scholars
currently taking interest in political comedy. It's been an honor to work with
both tenured and
pre-tenure scholars in the field and I'm
happy to call so
many others respected and treasured mentors and colleagues.
Why do so many of us study shows like The Daily Show and The
Colbert Report? As I told Paul
Farhi, even academics like to laugh and that's certainly true. I enjoy
watching and discussing the show with my friends and family for sure, but I also
recognize the cultural importance of the programs, their growing audience, and
the increasing
view that folks like Jon Stewart provide trustworthy news content.
Here are a few key statistics that help prove my point:
In a March
2011 study by the Pew Research Center for the People & The Press, 8% of
Americans indicated that they regularly watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, 19% watch the program sometimes. In
June 2010,
7% of Americans said they watched regularly while 20% said they sometimes watch
In the same 2010 Pew study,
6% reported regularly watching The
Colbert Report, while 18% said they sometimes watch the program. This is up
from 5% viewing regularly and 14% viewing sometimes in 2008.
This past winter (January
2012), 9% of those surveyed said they regularly learn about the 2012
presidential candidates or campaigns from late night comedy shows, such as Jay
Leno, Saturday Night Live or The Daily Show. A full 20% said they
sometimes learn about the 2012 election from these comedy programs.
Importantly, the 2010 Pew Biennial
Media Consumption Survey found that 80% of regular Colbert Report viewers are between the ages of 18-49 compared to
20% who are 50 and older; 74% of regular viewers of The Daily Show are between 18-49 compared to 26% who are 50 and
older. And according to the Pew Biennial News Consumption Survey from 2008, "fully
43% of Colbert's regular views are younger than 30, as are 42% of Stewart's
regular viewers. That is roughly double the proportion of people younger than
30 in the general public.”
Academic research points to the growing impact of these
programs – we know that viewers of
political comedy programs are more inclined to seek out additional information
from traditional news, express higher levels of political
self-efficacy and knowledge,
greater likelihood to engage in particular forms of political participation,
and perhaps most importantly that political comedy is
seen as a supplement to rather than a replacement for traditional news coverage.
So is there value in teaching and researching the impact of
political comedy and political entertainment? Seems to me that the answer is
pretty clear.
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