Upcoming special issue of Mass Communication & Society: Entertainment Media and Politics

I'm very excited for the Spring 2014 release of Mass Communication & Society's special symposium issue on Entertainment Media and Politics spearheaded by guest editor, R. Lance Holbert.

It's really an honor to have my work included alongside the research of so many respected scholars of hybrid media including colleagues (and friends) Heather LaMarre, Kristen Landreville, and Danna Young.

A table of contents for the special issue is pasted below. Happy spring reading!

Volume 17, Number 3, 2014 • May-June Symposium—Entertainment Media and Politics

Introduction R. Lance Holbert, Guest Editor
Strike While the Iron is Hot: Seizing on Recent Advancements to Propel the Study of Political Entertainment Media Forward


Hoon Lee and Nojin Kwak
The Affect Effect of Political Satire: Sarcastic Humor, Negative Emotions, and Political Participation

Bruce W. Hardy, Jeffrey A. Gottfried, Kenneth M. Winneg, and Kathleen Hall Jamieson
Stephen Colbert’s Civic Lesson: How Colbert Super PAC Taught Viewers about Campaign Finance

Mark Boukes, Hajo G. Boomgaarden, Marjolein Moorman, and Claes H. De Vreese
News with an Attitude: Assessing the Mechanisms Underlying Effects of Opinionated News

Franziska Roth, Carina Weinmann, Frank Schneider, Frederic Hopp, and Peter Vorderer
Seriously Entertained: Antecedents and Consequences of Hedonic and Eudaimonic Entertainment Experiences with Political Talk Shows on TV

Heather L. LaMarre, Kristen Landreville, Dannagal Young, and Nathan Gilkerson
Humor Works in Funny Ways: Examining Satirical Tone as a Key Determinant in Political Humor Message Processing

Amy B. Becker
Playing with Politics: Online Political Parody, Affinity for Political Humor, Anxiety Reduction, and Implications for Political Efficacy

Book Review
Reviewed by Gary Woodward
Kate Lacey, Listening Publics: The Politics and Experience of Listening in the Media Age


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